Photo Arts

So working on my first jewelry piece. But until that is finished and because I'm a photo kid here's some photo art. First one is some cyanotypes I played with over the summer. They'll go on something this summer when I get my work area back.

These are my leave-behinds for a Portfolio Review we had in November. Since I primarily want to work with bands and music inspired photography I went with the concept of a CD box set. Brown box was bought at Barnes and Noble and the blue paper was bought at the bookstore. Purple envelope held a thank you note along with a business card. Thank you notes also bought at Barnes and Noble, I'm in the process of making my own line of cards.


  1. Barnes and Nobles has all kinds of cool things to use or gather inspiration from. I saw a really cool leather bound book there once. I want to try and recreate it.

  2. I'm getting more of these boxes to see what I can do with them. An accordian book would be awesome, text and photos on both sides that way without having to deal with bookboard.
