New Hemp and Things

So I got randomly started with my hemp again. trying a few new designs and making up some of my own. Even used ribbon with one just to make it a bit cute.

The first necklace is a memorial necklace I made a year after the passing of my beloved yellow lab Brady.  

I have a thing with peacocks.  And I just happened to have hemp the same colors as in this pendant.

I've been in a good mood lately.  Ok so a better than good mood.  So Love is in a lot of my stuff lately.  The bracelet on the right is my first bracelet I've ever made.  The other one is to celebrate my Halloween birthday all year round :)

I made a simpler twin to this one for some special.  His says "You are Loved".  Mine is a reminder that love isn't easy.  Describes our history hehe.  The knot work on mine is the same as on the Brady necklace but I used black and tan.  For some reason I had the Guinness combo on my mind.

The latest bracelet I've made.  Yes something with a heart...can't help my mood.  This time I strayed away from dark colors except for the black filler cord.  Its bright and very un-me.  Its still a slight WIP since I don't know what kind of closure to put on the end. Oh and yes there is ribbon in it.  Trying to make some hemp stuff seem a bit more elegant or something.