New Hemp and Things

So I got randomly started with my hemp again. trying a few new designs and making up some of my own. Even used ribbon with one just to make it a bit cute.

The first necklace is a memorial necklace I made a year after the passing of my beloved yellow lab Brady.  

I have a thing with peacocks.  And I just happened to have hemp the same colors as in this pendant.

I've been in a good mood lately.  Ok so a better than good mood.  So Love is in a lot of my stuff lately.  The bracelet on the right is my first bracelet I've ever made.  The other one is to celebrate my Halloween birthday all year round :)

I made a simpler twin to this one for some special.  His says "You are Loved".  Mine is a reminder that love isn't easy.  Describes our history hehe.  The knot work on mine is the same as on the Brady necklace but I used black and tan.  For some reason I had the Guinness combo on my mind.

The latest bracelet I've made.  Yes something with a heart...can't help my mood.  This time I strayed away from dark colors except for the black filler cord.  Its bright and very un-me.  Its still a slight WIP since I don't know what kind of closure to put on the end. Oh and yes there is ribbon in it.  Trying to make some hemp stuff seem a bit more elegant or something.

Random Tshirt Collection...WIP

So my mom has this thing with keeping ALL my stuff form when I was a baby or even a toddler, or so i found when cleaning the garage. Well in one of her many bags and boxes I found a bag of a bunch of tshirts i wore when I was little. My mom being the sentimental lady that she is, I decided to make something out of them while still preserving that yes they are tshirts.

Tshirts laying on the diningroom table, ready to be sewn shut and then together. next quilt i do like this I need to remember to iron tshirts BEFORE sewing them shut.

I had help from the dad, who actually got my mom's sewing machine to like me.

Pieces of shirts I wore in high school, yes there is camo in there. My pirate jacket from Halloween is also represented in the scrap pieces.

Updates will come soon as its finished :)


Scrabble tile pendants. I really like the wooden texture on it so painted over it with ink, watercolor and some markers, and a bit of white gouache.


It's been years since I've made a stuffed animal but I'm getting back into the habit. Here's a bunny I just finished.
I had a bunch of pieces of card stock so I decided to bind them together into a book with book rings. Since the binding took little to no time I made the cover a bit more fancy than normal.

I made a square book to hold all the random business and post cards I've collected from my illustrator classmates and friends. It took me awhile to actually take a photo to show it off.